Next Wave

Synergy Flavors’ new consumer trendspotting tool

Next Wave

Providing Actionable Insights for the Next Wave of Innovation

We are investing in understanding consumers and identifying behavior changes that will serve as our foundation for innovation.


The methodology

Next Wave uses a unique methodology that consists of 3 I’s

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As overall trends in health and wellness continue to expand, consumers are taking a holistic approach to self-care, adopting a strategy of mindfulness and redefining their day-to-day activities.

Edible Escapism

The pandemic has changed the way we see food and beverages. We adjusted and became chefs to make ethnic cuisine at home, bartenders to mix up a premium drink at the end of a long day, and baristas to pour ourselves the perfect cup of coffee to start the day – and we did it all from the comfort of our homes.

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Alternative Living

Consumers actively seek alternative options to everyday lifestyles, from food and drink to housing and personal relationships

Digital Natives

The continued growth in demand for mass personalization has created opportunities for a tailored approach to generations.

Millennials have been the center of the discussion over the last few years, but all brands are now turning their attention to the new kid (or kids) on the block – Generation Z.


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Everyone’s a gamer

Consumers are gaming, and watching others gaming, more than ever. The video game industry has boomed in recent years because of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the variety of ways to play games, influencing consumers throughout different categories.

Breakfast Expanded

With consumers spending more time at home due to habits acquired during the pandemic lockdowns, breakfast is enjoying a renewed appreciation and shifts in consumption habits, influencing many food and beverage categories.


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